Our services

We provide services to businesses, communities, NGOs and foundations, education and research institutions and public business services.

For businesses and communities

We offer advice and guidance to social enterprises and start-ups. We serve companies and organisations regardless of their type or sector. 

Needs assessment   

In the needs assessment, we identify the advice and guidance needs related to setting up a social enterprise or starting social enterprise activities. We will review the description of your business idea and call you or otherwise contact you remotely to learn what kind of advice and guidance is needed. 

“Gentle lion’s den” 

If you need advice and guidance on several different topics, we organise a “gentle lion’s den”. A team of experts will assess the business idea, after which we will consider together what kind of advice or guidance is needed to take the business idea forward. The gentle lion’s den concept is intended for social enterprises that are in the development, start-up or re-direction phase.   

Start-up and development advice 

The service covers the specificities of starting or developing a social enterprise and the matters to be considered when founding a social enterprise. We help with issues such as governance and impact management and measuring.

If necessary, consultation is provided in cooperation with a local business company, the advice services of an enterprise agency or an educational institution. 

Short-term impact training 

The impact training service provides information on modelling, measuring and managing impact and introduces the client to useful tools. If necessary, we comment on the company’s impact chain. The service is intended for the founders, management and employees of a social enterprise.   

Advice on the employment of people with partial work ability 

We provide information on what to consider if your company wants to employ people with partial work ability or other people with a challenging labour force status. We give tips on financial and other forms of support, as well as information on how to make a workplace comfortable for an employee with disabilities. 

Financial advice 

We provide information on the sources of funding available to social enterprises and the conditions for receiving funding. 

Incubator and accelerator services 

We cooperate with universities and other operators to organise incubator and accelerator pilots for social enterprises. The incubator and accelerator pilots are intended for companies, associations and teams whose goal is to solve a social or environmental challenge through business. The pilots are available nationwide. It is possible to participate in our accelerator pilots remotely from anywhere in Finland. 

Social Enterprises Incubator, spring 2023

Contact us!

Interested in our services? Send us a message and we will reply within three working days.  

For business advisors   

We help business advisors with specific issues related to social enterprises. We also organise advisor training in Finnish. 

For education and research institutions

We serve educational institutions and research communities in questions related to social enterprises. We create a roadmap for research and train new social entrepreneurship experts. We have also opened a new social enterprise data and statistics site (in Finnish).

Mentor network

We are gathering a mentor network concentrating on social entrepreneurship. Find a suitable mentor for yourself or join the network as a mentor! Read more about the mentor network here. 

Contact us! 

Interested in our services? Send us a message and we will reply within three working days.